
Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Today I somehow spent a majority of my day returning phone calls and being put on hold.  I feel a migraine coming on with all the muzak I've endured.  One can only listen to the best of smooth jazz for so long before their thoughts make no sense.  So pardon my list of ramblings.

1.  I have to say first that my prayers are with all those from Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas effected by the storms.  My heart breaks for you and your families.  DFW got hit by some bad storms yesterday and we spent some time huddled in our windowless bathroom waiting it out.  Just the sound of a tornado siren going off has me running for cover with my pug.  Thankfully it passed and we just had lots of hail.  Here's a pic I took when it first started.  The hail got a little bigger later on.

2.  Good-bye Oprah!  I have lots memories growing up of getting off the school bus and walking in the front door and hearing Oprah on the television.  Then growing up to watch the occasional episode at 4:00 myself while working or folding laundry.  Some days she made me laugh, some days she made me ugly cry and even some days she made me disagree.  But I will miss her voice filling my house in the afternoons.

3. I dragged boy with me to Hallmark the other day.  We were out and drove by one and because we don't have one real close I made him stop.  I love Hallmark.  Give me the funny card aisle and I'll be entertained all day.  So, I grabbed a few cards and head to check out and hand over my debit card.  The older lady asked to see my ID.  I've never been asked to show ID when I use my debit, but I handed it over.  Then she made me stand up tall and smile and held my ID up close to my face to compare (for a many seconds).  I was trying so hard not to laugh because whose out stealing birthday cards.  I might have been offended if she didn't do it to the lady behind me.  Kudos to Hallmark for being thorough.

4.  I'm redoing our game room/man cave.  I'm disappointed I didn't take a before.  Actually, no I'm not because it was horrendous, but I'm anxious to show you the after.  Once I add some finishing touches I'll share.  I love a good room redo!!


  1. We huddled in our closet, too. It's our first siren since moving here. Scary stuff. But it all turned out OK, once the power went back on.

  2. Glad you are ok. We live near St. Louis and had some nasty storms come through this afternoon, but we have been lucky. I hope Pug doesn't mind the storms. Tornado season always makes me want to finish the basement!
    Well said about Oprah. Also, can't wait to see your room redo.
    Christy (and Payton)

  3. That's hilarious about the Hallmark lady! What a nut!!
