
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

root canals and presidents

On Monday I was all pumped up for celebrating President's Day.

And then I broke my tooth.

I couldn't see it, so I had boy look in my mouth and when he screamed "gross!!", I figured it be best if I started making my way to the dentist.

Dentists make me nervous.  I am not a fan of going to the dentist, especially when they tell me I'm too old to get pick something from the treasure chest after a cleaning.  What's with that?

They were super sweet to get me in within a matter of minutes and after a few x-rays he concluded some damage from the filling that broke. 

I'd need a root canal first thing the next day.  Bummer!

I'm an anxious person anyways and then add the dread of a root canal the next day and I was a nervous nelly all night. 

Tuesday came.  The hygentist takes me back.  The dentist comments on how high my blood pressure is (not surprised because I'm convinced my heart is leaping out of my chest).  They numb me up.  Lots of drills.  Anesthetic wore off not once, but three times.  Notice hygentist is wearing scrubs that have a label that says Grey's Anatomy (is this a brand?).  Think about how good Grey's used to be back in 2006.  Almost 4 hours later I'm done for the day.  Praise the Lord.

Then I handed over lots of "Benjamins" & "Jeffersons" and headed home. President's Day!

Hope everyone had a great President's day!


  1. Yikes! I loathe going to the dentist more than anything so I feel for you. I hope you are feeling better.

  2. oh no root canals suck! I hope you are better soon :)

  3. That is soo funny...not really but the when you handed over the it! I have had perfect teeth all my life. Well, this year 4 cavities and 2 root canals! I had to kiss my tropical vacation goodbye because we are self employed and well that means I tossed a lot of presidents out too.

  4. I very much dislike the dentist myself! Hope you are feeling better.

    (btw new follower. I love your blog)

  5. Oh girl.. I've broken so many teeth & needed root canals - so I feel your pain... in the mouth AND the wallet!!!

  6. ah that's the worst! and yes grey's anatomy is a brand for scrubs and they're amazingly soft and comfy..i worked at a doctor's office and had a set and LOVED them :) i hope you feel better soooooon!

  7. oh no!! so sorry you had to get a root canal. I hear those suckers huuuurt. how in the world did you break your tooth?

  8. Oh what a stinky presidents day. How did everything go? Hope you are feeling alright! :D
