
Thursday, January 20, 2011

oh goodness help me now

a moment of silence please for cookie time...i also like to tell myself that these gems are fat free.


  1. Ohhhh no! Those cookies are SO addicting! I need to steer clear of those things this year. I can't afford to put on any more pounds ;) my favorite are the Carmel delights.

  2. SO glad I don't know any girl scouts in my immediate area. I've been known to polish off a box of thin mints in no time!

    Great blog! Found from The Bonjour Four! I'm your newest follower! Jessica@

  3. Lemonades are my fav! They have changed them this year though ... hopefully they will still be as good!

  4. What?!?!? You already got your girl scout cookies?!?!? I am in California & we haven't even ordered ours yet. They always arrive for us in April!

  5. it's the most woooonnddeeerfffullll time of the year!!

    I am so sad, I haven't even seen them sold yet! I need to go hunt down some girl scouts....
