
Monday, December 20, 2010

::thank you for being a friend::

I've shared before my deep love for the tv show the Golden Girls.  So deep, I've expressed to boy that when we retire we're going to move down to Florida and buy a bunch of wicker furniture and send the parents to Shady Pines.  The sad part is he thinks I'm kidding.

A few years ago I met Lauren through the blog world and we realized we have tons in common including... yes you guessed it the The Golden Girls.  I think we were loving Miss Betty White way before it became cool; we're just trendy like that.

And that's how we quickly became Golden Girl Buddies.  Oh how I love the bloggy world.

Friday night Lauren sent me a text telling me she'd found the greatest thing ever....a Betty White calendar.

I said you're kidding and she assured me she wasn't.

Well then today I open my front door and look what my Golden Girl Buddy sent my way.

I tell you this girl is the sweetest.  What a fun surprise!  And my Christmas is complete. 

Oh and February might be my favorite month.

Now I'm going to have to owe this girl and cheesecake and a St. Olef story!  Lauren I adore you girl!


  1. I saw that calendar at Borders the other day. It's so fabulous!

  2. awww super sweet! isn't it great meeting so many great people!

  3. I love The Golden Girls love the calendar

  4. That's awesome!!! I saw that in the store & was wanting to see all the pictures... Betty White ROCKS!

  5. You are just precious!! Love you and so glad I could bless you!!!! :)
