
Thursday, December 23, 2010

christmas traditions

I love fun Christmas traditions and Libby had a genius idea of doing a linky party for everyone to share theirs.  I'm thinking I might even be stealing some of these ideas for when we have kiddos.

Here are a few of ours:

Growing up my dad would always read "The Night Before Christmas" right before we went to bed.  He'd add in some goofy voices to get us to laugh.  It's one of my fondest Christmas memories growing up.  Then we'd be sure to leave out a plate of cookies and milk for Santa.  In the 3rd grade I learned why Dad was so opinionated about the cookies I selected to set out ha!

Boy and I have added some of our own too.  We love Christmas movies.  So it's a tradition to watch Christmas Vacation on Christmas eve, we started this one even before we were married.  We also have to add in a few of our other favorites including Home Alone, Elf, A Christmas Story and Love Actually.

We also spend a lot of time in the car traveling around for Christmas so we love to spend that time belting out Christmas songs and boy will read from some of Luke from the Bible.  It's a sweet time just the two of us.

Can't wait to hear about everyone else's traditions!  Hope you join in too!


  1. My grandfather used to read the night before Christmas to all of us too - and we did it every year even when I was still in college!

  2. We bake a cake for Jesus which becomes breakfast the next morning before presents are opened or looked at. Jesus is first! On Christmas eve we attend a Christmas eve service, come home and new Christmas PJ's are given out, and we sit down around our tree and read the story of Jesus from Matthew and Luke.

    We also pray over every family that sends us a Christmas card. One gets chosen each night when they start trickling in through December. We pray for them one a night until everyone has been prayed for.

    The kids get three gifts from Santa to represent the three gifts that the wisemen brought to Jesus plus they also give away 3 of their things (their choice) ... trying to remind them that Christmas is not about getting, it's about what God gave to us and what we can give to others.

    We have fun movie traditions and we have fun family game days leading up ... we just enjoy the holidays as much as possible because it's when we have the most family around! We love it!

    Merry Christmas Girl and boy!

    PS ... your card is in the mail!

  3. hey! thanks for linking up to the party! so much fun reading every ones traditions.

    I LOVE all of those movies too. Elf and Home Alone are two of my favorites!

    I love that ya'll read Luke together in the car. That's so awesome.

    I hope you both have a fabulous Christmas!
