
Thursday, November 25, 2010

some random thanks

happy thanksgiving everyone! i hope everyone had a wonderful day spending time with family and friends, relaxing and stuffing yourself full of good food.  i was going to do a sweet and thoughtful "thankful" list, but then i thought that's kind of boring and so i have composed a very random thankful list.  enjoy.

1. i'm thankful that i was not the person at the grocery store that left their rather large turkey on the bottom rack of a shopping the parking the shopping cart holder... in 80 degree weather.  i wanted to cry for them.

2. i'm thankful for the wonderment of pillsbury crescent rolls. 

3. i'm thankful that my husband unloaded the dishwasher and only had to ask once where something went.  i nearly cried tears of joy.

4. i'm thankful that my neighbor still loves me after we called the cops on her.  she was sitting in front of our house in her friend's car really late at night.  we didn't recognize the car and after an hour called the cops.  thankfully we've had so many laughs over this and note to self burglars probably don't drive volvos. 

5. i'm thankful that the mystery behinds phaedra's due date on real housewives of atlanta was solved.  i was very concerned about this seven month inducement.

6. i'm thankful that my pug sleeps till 11 am each day.  that probably deserves a post on it's own, but yes he does and i'm ever so thankful for all i get done before he gets up.

7. i'm thankful that wally world now carries mrs. meyer's soaps.  basil, lemon verbana i love you all.

8. i'm thankful for the start of endless hallmark and lifetime christmas movies.  yes ma'am the cheesier the better!

9. i'm thankful for finally caving and buying a humidifier for our sinuses.  life changing i tell you.

10. and finally i'm thankful that i well not be standing outside any store at 4 am tomorrow.  god bless you if you are.


  1. Fun list! and, those are great things to be thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. excellent thankful post!

    My dog made his own thankful post on my site (don't tell him that I wish he was a puggy!)

  3. haha love your list. :) hope you had a fabulous thanksgiving!

  4. Can your Pug come teach my Pug that 11am sleep thing? He gets me up at 6:30am 7 days a week. I would love to break that lovely little habbit of his!
