
Monday, April 19, 2010

miscellaneous bin

1. I'm very thankful from my last post that y'all love your TV shows as much as me. I may have to check out Parenthood because a lot of you said you were loving it.

2. I can smell nothing else, but paint. We're still painting and I'm pretty sure we'll be painting till Christmas. No I's actually going much better & faster than I thought. I painted a few days last week and then boy helped this weekend so we're about 3/4 of the way done. I'm extremely thankful for the wonder that is Frog Tape and boy's persistence and faith in buying "as seen on TV" items. Those sham things may have been a joke, but the Point n' Paint is genius I tell you.

3. Amongst the painting this weekend I tried this fruit roll up recipe from one of my favorite blogs because hello my name is Meg, I'm 25 and I LOVE me some fruit roll ups. My oven doesn't go as low as her recipe says, but I opened the oven door every so often during the day and they turned out fine.

4. So, I posted awhile back about the Kindle and yada yada holding a book is so much better yada yada. Then my parents both received Kindles for their birthdays and seeing them in person they aren't as awkward to read off of as I thought. And now they call and tell me how much cooler and hipper they are than me (okay maybe they don't), but point is I'm getting off my soapbox and kind of rethinking it. Change might not be so bad right? Can you tell how indecisive I am around here ha?

5. There was something else I was going to tell you? I can't remember though...must be the paint fumes.

Have a great Tuesday friends!


  1. I have a Kindle, and I love it. Love as in L.O.V.E. It is so much easier to travel with as opposed to taking two or three books all packed in your suitcase.

    Seriously, love... :)

  2. Get the Ipad! I think you'll like it oh so much more than the Kindle and you will then be cooler than your parents! :)

  3. I'm re-thinking the idea of a Kindle too!!! Technology has a way of swaying...

  4. You are not alone! I am thinking I want a Kindle too!! :)
