
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

summer lovin'

I think the only thing I am NOT loving about summer is the a/c bill, other than that I love summer so much I could eat it with a spoon! I thought I would share my summer lovin' with y'all...

1. Cool Mango Breeze from Sonic~someone hook me up to an IV of it.
2. Smell of suntan lotion
3. The Next Food Network Star~ I will be so sad if Melissa does not win.
4. The lake
5. Reef flip flops- I live in these.
6. Wii Monopoly- absolutely nothing to do with summer, but we are loving it right now!
7. Sitting outside once the sun has gone down.
8. Vaseline Aloe Fresh Lotion- It smells amazing and feels heavenly.
9. A great summer read- anyone else on GoodReads?
10. Dreaming of a suntan.

I'm dying to hear your summer lovin'!!


  1. Oooh I love this list!! I am a big fan of Sonic's strawberry-lemon slushes. Divine!

    Tanning lotion, the beach, chick lit books, and the smell of fresh cut grass do it for me too :)

  2. I haven't tried the mango slush yet but I need to!

    I'm on goodreads. I love reading updates while looking for great books!!

  3. Well I could never deviate from my Diet Cherry Limeade. I love summer for fireworks, sun dresses, cookouts and sno cones!

  4. omg i did not know that wii had monopoly, hubby and I need to get this ASAP. We love mario party.

    Love sonic burger, especially during happy hour!

  5. ooh I'm on goodreads!!! We need to become friends so we can get good book suggestions from each other. Also I love pretty much everything you listed.

  6. Of course I love Sonic year-round....but I do love a slush in the Summertime.
    Reef flip flops are awesome!

  7. I love everything about summer, just the relaxation of it all! :)

  8. Now I totally have to have sonic for lunch! :)

  9. Just wanted to stop and say Hi!. I have seen "you" around before but this is my first time that I have stopped by your blog. It is super cute! Love your summer list, and had to laugh about the beanie babies! Happy 2 yrs to you!. (Gosh that is a lot of info for one little comment to introduce myself.)

  10. Found your blog today and I'm loving it! Great content for sure. I'm Alicia from SC, Hello! Nice to meet ya. :)

  11. I realize it is geared toward tween girls...but my great summer read is the Twilight series.

    Never thought I would like it... but I love it!
