
Friday, June 26, 2009

miscellaneous bin

I'm learning why I very rarely blog in the afternoon. I'm not very good at it. It's the craziest thing, sit me down at the computer at 2 pm and my mind shuts down. I blame it on the heat. But here goes a lame attempt in list form...

1. I have "You Rock My World" & "Billie Jean" playing on the computer while I blog. So sad.

2. Can I tell you again how hot it is? Ask a Texan in January why they live in Texas and they can give you a million reasons, but ask them in June, July & August and we draw a blank.

3. 13 more days till all is right with the reality show world. Oh happy day Big Brother fans.

4. I have an outdoor get together to go to in 4.5 hours. I am going to attempt to wing a side dish. I need to get more organized.

5. I stayed up till 2 last night watching "Confessions of a Shopaholic". I said I would not see it because I LOVE the series and lately so many books to movies have been butchered. My curiosity and deep love for any and all chick flicks got the best of me. I have to say I was really surprised; it was really cute. BUT why is she not British and why are they not in England? It's like taking Harry Potter out of Hogwarts.


  1. Ugh it is HOT. Atlanta is up over 100 degrees. I love hot/humid weather, but not when my air conditioner is broken.

  2. Cannot wait for Big Brother. Cannot wait.

  3. i am with you on the heat! I NEVER thought i'd see the day that a high of 92 would sound good!! We can't wait for Big Brother either!!! And i am so glad to hear the movie is cute...i read the series too and its good to know that hopefully i won't be disappointed w/ the movie!!

  4. Yay for Big Brother! Can't wait!

  5. so excited for big brother!!

  6. WOW! I didn't even realize Big Brother was still around!

  7. I am glad to here a good review on it. I waited until it came out on video because I heard mixed reviews. I plan on watching it this week :)

  8. ME TOO! I was bummed about the non-england part. AND how it skipped too many key parts. But I SO loved the actors. I can't wait for her to come out with a new book :)
