
Thursday, June 11, 2009

a birthday pug

Guess who had a birthday today? I'll give you a few hints.

He's four-legged, as curious as can be and has bug eyes.

Yep, pug turned 4 today and I'm convinced this will be the year where he stops chewing on the furniture and peeing in the house.

I say that every year though.

And today I did something I swore I'd never do.

I baked my dog a cake.

Yes, I did. I'm sort of embarrassed and maybe a little convinced that I now need to find a support group for over the top dog parents..."Hello my name is girl and I talk baby talk to my dog". But I did a google search this afternoon and found this recipe. I had all the ingredients except for the frosting, so I changed it up and made them into cupcakes. It was super easy and pug was on cloud nine eating his cupcake.

5 Seconds later...I think he enjoyed it.

And of course a present too. This dog toy line cracks me up , so I could not resist the iBone.


  1. awww, happy happy birthday pug!! So cute!! What toy line is that, Dahlia needs one!

  2. I'm honored to share my birthday with your pug :O)

  3. Genevieve, our fawn pug, turned on June 3....but had to suffer the indignity of a human cake! She so needs an iBone though.....

  4. So cute!! Happy birthday pug!

  5. Happy Birthday Pug! Try not to drive the folks too crazy. My favorite is still the Starbarks toy. Wasn't there a Louis Vuitton one too?

  6. Aw, your pug is so cute! I have one too, and no, you're not crazy if you baby talk to your pug OR bake him a cake!

  7. I stumbled upon your blog, and had to share. We have a 9 year old pug, P.J. who we also have birthday parties pug lovers are weird like that, huh? Thought you'd be interested to see his b'day party and hear his life's worth the read!
    Happy Birthday, Pug!
    Leigh Anne Butler

  8. Happy Bday to you Pug!

    If you think you're weird, then I guess I am too... Last year I got my puppy a cupcake too!

    Luv the Ibone... where'd you get it?
