
Monday, May 25, 2009

purple cadillac

**Spoiler Alert** Getting ready to chat tonight's Bachelorette.

Oh my word there are still so many names. The rose ceremony came and I caught myself multiple times saying "who's that dude?". I'm ready for them to narrow it down a bit more or start handing out name tags.

So, tonight we started out with a pool party. A pool party that started out all fun and games until some poor guy got left on the balcony pretty certain he was getting a rose. I'm not sure what's worse...not getting a rose or being abandoned. Chris comes out and clears up the chaos. Thank goodness for Chris who by the way looked as if he was just popping by on his way to a sailing excursion. He informs the guys that they have to now go hunt down Jillian in Los Angeles. Oh how fun...The Bachelorette turns all Amazing Race on us. I have to admit that I was concerned for the man who was not only shirtless walking around a gas station in Los Angeles, but shoeless as well. I think Tanner P. would have been too. I was glad to see that her first date from the Amazing Rose Race was Wes. I think he seems like a really genuine guy and don't they just have great chemistry?

Then the next night she's off on a date with Jake in a purple cadiallac (which by the way I googled the lyrics and am saddened to learn that the verse goes "oozing down the street" rather then the "cruising" all these years I've been so wrong). You just can't help singing the tune to pink cadilliac when she's driving that thing. They're off to a fancy Western Warehouse so Jake can get his cowboy on then off to a bar with a private Martina McBride concert. I have to say I'm a bit surprised that a bar has so much faith in the Bachelorette that they close down for them. I can see an Olive Garden doing that, but the House of Blues, really? Jake is just adorable too. I think he's one of my favorites and they were so cute two stepping together.

Oh and we can't forget the other group date where the poor men were asked to go head to head with the globe trotters and just when David thought he was so athletic. I'll go ahead and jump past the sunsetting scene where everyone's skipping on the beach with they're cool new jerseys and getting to see way too much of Julien to the whole conflict between Drama David and Juan. Juan turned out to not be my favorite, but I don't think he's as terrible as David makes him out to be. Or am I missing something? I'm just not getting that drama. Juan seems a little cocky, but not near as bad as David sets him up to be. I was kind of glad Jillian vetoed the vote and kept Juan in.

Wasn't really surprised to see who left leave tonight. I think she's been making some good choices? What do y'all think?


  1. David looks like he's going to blow a gasket! And I cant put my finger on Juan yet....

    Do you think Wes & her have chemisty? I cant figure him out either.

    The pilot is my favorite by far so far...

  2. so far, I like the pilot...

    the foot guy has GOT TO GO!! creeper alert!

  3. I'm not so sure about Wes after last night...thought i liked him...not so much now. (i wrote more about that on my blog!)

    Love Jake the pilot and I still really like Kiptyn too! David was a little over the top...chill out dude!!

    I always love your witty and fun! I'm not as great a writer but i did post my thoughts!!=)

  4. Well I think Jake is just the sweetest thing! I'm not sure how they persuaded HofB to shut down, though. Seems a bit extreme. Just once I'd like to see them go to Wendy's and rent a movie or something rather than get used to all this extravagant crap. And what was with her "spinner" ring on the date with Jake? I was dying!
