
Saturday, April 25, 2009

miscellaneous bin

1. The ole' allergies turned into a sinus infection or maybe it was just a sinus infection all along. I finally caved and headed to the doctor Friday after I felt like my head would in fact explode. Thank you antibiotics for your awesomeness. I have to tell y'all a funny story. By about Tuesday I had run out of kleenex and had begun to use toliet paper. Don't judge I know you've done it. I could not muster up the energy to drive and then crawl into the grocery store. On Wednesday I received a wholesale order for the store from one of my favorite suppliers. She makes the most precious frames and in it she had included the sweetest little travel tissue holder with TISSUES IN IT!! And the best part she had no idea I was sick, she just did it as a fun surprise. If I ever meet her again I'm going to have to give her a big hug for saving my sorry nose.

2. On Thursday my Paula Deen book "It Ain't All About the Cookin" came in the mail. I ordered if for $2.86 off ebay. What a deal...the shipping was actually a few cents more than the book itself. But look at it...see the protective cover around it.

Crack me up. Boy thinks that a library is out there look for a missing book. But I just finished it this afternoon and loved it. I love that Paula Deen! She's extremely raw in her memoir and if you don't have a southern accent you will have one by the time you finish it. I think mines gotten a little deeper while reading it. If there's even a way to say y'all any more than I already do. Oh and I just saw Misadventures of a Southern Newlywed just read it. Too funny...see it's gotta be good then.

3. Pug holds a grudge more than anyone I've ever met in my life. Even more than me and that's saying a lot since I told boy I'd never see another Pitt movie again after his break-up with Aniston. That grudge didn't last long though. I forgive you Brad.

But Thursday night Pug was running around the house being crazy and boy went to open the door for him and well pug has bad depth perception and ran smack into boy's shin. So pug starts screaming like a little girl because he's convinced that boy kicked him and he likes to be dramatic. I witnessed it and can assure there was absolutely no kicking. In fact boy's foot never moved. Well two days later and no matter how many apology hugs and treats boy gives to pug that dog still will have nothing to do with him. He's a drama queen I tell you.

4. I think boy and I are going to rent a movie this evening since I'm still under the weather. We saw "Slumdog Millionaire" last weekend, which if you have not seen it it's absolutely amazing. Anyone have any good suggestions?


  1. I am dying to see Slumdog Millionaire! I am cracking up about pug holding a grudge! That is how my mom's dog is! Have a great weekend!

  2. Awe poor pug and boy I hope all is forgiven soon!

  3. I LOVE Paula Deen!! LOVE her!! Let us know how the book is! I need to see Slumdog. Funny about your pug and man!!

  4. My mom said Doubt was good...

    You can always try a new TV show. I love the Tudors right now and friends and co-workers have been raving about Rome and Madmen. I need to get a working DVD player. Sigh.

  5. You are toooo funny! Crack me up! Hope you are feeling better!! :)
