
Friday, April 3, 2009

miscellaneous bin

1. I'm a twitter quitter. Can I get that on a tank top, maybe in rhinestones? Seriously, y'all I'm not sure if I remember my password. Am I alone because I feel really bad about this. Where does that Martha Stewart find the twittering time? Oh yeah she probably doesn't clean her own toilets does she?

2. This is one of my absolutely favorite baby companies out there...Tiny Sprouts. Look at this stuff it's beyond adorable!! The day I have a baby I'm afraid I might go crazy ordering one of each. Oh my word the cuteness. But I love her blog as well because she has some fabulous taste. I noticed yesterday she is looking for some mom testers, so flock over there if you've got little one and see if you can do it. I'm so jealous.

3. We have 4 days before iTunes ups it's price. Boo hoo. Does this include MercyMe and Brandon Heath? I might have to do some iTune shopping this weekend then. What are you listening to right now?

4. I'm in need of UNC and UCONN to win this weekend to win the family bracket. I never thought I'd say Go Tarheels...but I am. I should be ashamed being a Jayhawk fan and all.


  1. How much are Itunes going to? That makes me sad!

    And we say Go heels around here!

  2. I didnt know itunes was going up... dang it!

  3. Twitter rocks!!! haha! Love it :o)

  4. iTunes is raising its prices??? Dang it! How much, do you know?

  5. The Tiny Sprouts stuff IS cute...but I have to say the "blessed baby" stuff of yours is still my fav!!!! Have a great weekend!

  6. I did not know that iTunes was upping it's price. That stinks! and being a UK fan, I never thought I was say go 'heels either!

  7. We can just add itunes to the list of increasing prices, yuck! I won't lie I am not a big fan of twitter :S

  8. Left you alittle something on my blog!
    I hope you have a great day!

  9. OMG PLEASE get that tank top! That is hilarious!

  10. I cannot believe they're upping their price on itunes! who knew?! (besides you apparently)

    I used to twitter so much - now i just cant think of anything to say besides "taking care of my baby" "eating" or "sleeping' and those just arent all that thrilling i suppose. . .
