
Thursday, April 16, 2009

it's a tough job, but someone has to do it

I was sitting here trying to decide what to blog about.

It was between my recent discovery of this season's Celebrity Apprentice and the woman who asked to see a menu at Little Caesar's Pizza.

Decisions. Decisions.

But then Big Daddy (my dad) sent me an e-mail. And those ideas just didn't hold up anymore.

I have to give y'all a little background information first. Three years ago my dad retired from 37 years in corporate America. We were all glad to say goodbye to the weekly traveling and the conference calls. A week after he retired they closed on a house out in a lake community and we sort of thought he'd spend his days golfing and boating. But, a few months into retirement he announced that he was going to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity.

Family: "Really?"

Big Daddy: "Yep, I've always wanted to"

Family: "Well that's great! But ummm don't you have to be sort of handy?"

Bless Big Daddy's heart he's good at lots of things, but he's no Bob Vila. So being the supportive bunch that we are we made bets on how long he'd last and joked that his official Habitat job was to pass out water and snacks.

Big Daddy proved me wrong today when he e-mailed me proof of his important duties.

Apparently, he's moved up the ladder from official "snack-passer-outer" to official "pole-holder-while-cement-drys" person.

Quite a promotion. And from his serious facial expressions he is taking it very seriously.

We love you Big Daddy and are so proud of you!


  1. that is great! I would love to do something like that one day!

  2. Hey - when I volunteered - I was official Plate Hand outer... for lunch! Seriously!! It takes a village!!

    That is cool he's into volunteering!!!

  3. That's awesome that he's spending his extra time volunteering!

  4. yay I love to hear that he is volunteering, and I love the commentary on what he is doing the picture. so funny!

  5. heehee love it! Good for your dad, though. That's awesome! =)

  6. Oh my gosh! How cute is your dad?!? And what a great thing he is doing too!

  7. He looks like he is having SUCH a good time - HA!
    What a good man he is!

  8. What a great way to spend his time!! And i love that your family sounds like so much fun!

  9. That's so great that he's taking the time to give back and help out with this wonderful cause. Big kudos go out to "Big Daddy" :o)

  10. For some reason, this post just made me so so happy! He's too cute.

  11. That's so awesome that he really enjoys his time volunteering!

  12. aw thats so cute. it rocks that he's helping out though. ive always wanted to volunteer somewhere. hopefully, this year will be the year.

  13. I laughed out loud at work at this post.

    AND that you posted a picture of your dad but not of you!! Silly girl!

  14. That's so sweet! Your dad is such a generous guy to spend his retirement helping others!

  15. WAy to go to your dad! That is awesome, sounds like he has a great heart and loves serving others!

  16. It is awesome he is volunteering. Even if it is the small jobs, someone has to do them.
