
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

miscellaneous bin

1. Have I mentioned lately how much I love March Madness? I do I do!! We take this college basketball stuff pretty serious amongst the fam with the brackets and what not, so girlfriends been getting her game on studying up on the school mascots and colors. Just kidding...or maybe not.

2. I'm not a huge fan of the grocery store. Nope. But I go because we must eat. Boy blessed me so with 5 beautiful words this weekend- "I'll go to the store" Oh boy how I love you so. Here's what he tossed in amongst the list. He's got my nomination for the official grocery store runner person. Fine job boy!

Ours was actually a little tub o' cotton and candy...kind of tasted funny!

So glad to see in a world where every item is getting smaller something is getting bigger! We're getting a head start on the Easter candy.

3. Loving this DVD. I've been doing it for a few months now and like mixing it up with running. Nothing like being yelled via the TV. No seriously, best workout DVD for such a quick amount of time that I've tried.

4. I'm off to watch this tonight.

That "30 Rock" put this movie on my "mind grapes" (gotta love that Tracy) so we're kicking it old school tonight.

Later y'all!


  1. That is too funny! I was just telling my husband that I wanted to watch Harry and the Henderson's after watching 30 Rock! He informed that he has never seen it and, well...needless to say I was shocked! We will be renting it this weekend! I am glad to hear the good reviews on the Jillian DVD...I have been pondering whether or not I should purchase it! :) Have a great rest of your week!

  2. I watched Harry and the Hendersons recently. I love that movie. It is so cute!

  3. I wish I could say I was into March Madness as much as you, but never have been a huge sports fanatic and didn't grow in a family that was :o( And I haven't watched Harry and the Henderon's in forever, think I might need to, lol!!!! :o)

  4. LOL on Harry and the Henderson's! Peeps make me gringe, I just don't like them, well actually I have never had one, but in my mind their not very good! ha! I am so excited about selection Sunday, can hardly stand it!

  5. You are about the 3rd person to reference Jillian to me...I think it's a SIGN!

    Hope you're having a great Tuesday, girl!

  6. Oh girl, March Madness and summer break are my 2 most favorite times of the year!! Both are quickly approaching too!! Who is your team??

  7. I totally want to see that movie again after seeing 30 rock!!! Wasn't that hilarious with John Lithgow being on the show too!!! 30 Rock is too funny!!! "I want to go to there"

  8. I love Harry and the Hendersons!!!
    Oh, great times!!!


  9. I have heard a lot of good reviews on the Jillian video, I just may have to try it out :). Peeps are my favorite candy...pure sugar amazingness :)

  10. I am SOO ready to get a head start on the Easter Candy!!

  11. Great post! I have heard of the DVD I was wondering if it was a good work out glad to hear you like it! Peeps love them!

  12. I've never heard of that movie but I do love the 30 day shred...and by love I mean hate! LOL. Such a good workout though!

  13. I loooooove Harry and the Hendersons!!!
