
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

life lesson

Here is a good life lesson.

If your mother kindly let's you borrow her car, then after graciously returning the car try not to stuff HER keys back in YOUR purse. This will most definitely avoid a situation where you drive an hour back to your house only to get a phone call from mom inquiring about said keys and then you have to mail them back which will cost you $6.24.

Just a tip I thought I'd share.

Not that that's happened today.

Is it Friday yet?


  1. oh no that sounds just like something I would do! I am on day 6of the shred oh my word that woman is crazy in a good way.

  2. I would totally do something exactly like that!! haha

  3. geez...that is so something i would do. ha! Its almost friday...sending happy friday thoughts your way!! ;)

  4. That really sounds like something I would do.
    I think I've done something similar.
    But I always SWEAR that I don't still have them.
    Not keys, but whatever it is that I have.

  5. I am so sorry that I am laughing, but probably cause I have done similar things. Sorry for the mishap, it happens to the best of us!

  6. Awww, girl it's the weekend!!!! Hope you have a GREAT one!!! That would so be something I'd do, haha!!!

  7. hehe... Duly noted.

    On to more important things: Friday has come and gone since you posted this? Where are you?
