
Monday, February 9, 2009

meet the parents

How did The Bachelor get down to 3 so fast? This is really going by quickly.

Okay, so we said bye to Naomi tonight. Not a huge shocker...kind of guessed that's how it'd go down. But let's get into the Hometown Dates because this was full of fun wasn't it...well some at least...or like one.

1. Jillian- okay just loved her family and I'm not going to lie I love hearing a Canadian say 'again'. But her sweet family survived a difficult journey together and made it out stronger...gotta love that. Her family was just so welcoming and fun. They didn't make it awkward and it was really like they'd known Jason for years. If they picked from in-laws I think you'd have a winner here.

2. Molly- just the sweetest golfer I've ever seen in plaid. Her parent's seemed really sweet and down to earth. I thought it was going really well and then mama pulled out the "hat collection" and truth be told I held my breathe. I was so embarrassed for her. If that wasn't enough she dragged him down to the basement for some art therapy. At first I thought "oh maybe this will be just a quick pencil sketch?" Nope. The water colors came out blazing. A bit much for me but I guess it could have been worse.

Like this one...

3. Naomi- Hello Meet the Crazies! I think we were all a little prepared for some awkwardness with this one from the preview, but never to it's true depth. I'm going to have to call my mom and thank her for not making us hula hoop and bury a dead bird the day I brought boy home to meet the family. I swear if she did I would be in some serious therapy at the moment. I won't go much further into this hometown date, but of course I was very on board with her dad's talk with Jason. Y'all know I love Jesus too. Just a little strong and then did anyone else find it odd how different the talk with her mom was? I was screaming for someone to bring out a cheese platter to ease the moment.

4. Melissa- love how excited she was to see Jason. My heart breaks for her that her parent's weren't a part of it though. It didn't effect this week, but those in-laws are a big part of the whole deal so for Jason I'd be really stunned if he proposed having not met them. He seems to old school not to ask dad's permission. I also have to let y'all in on some scoop... I went to high school with one of the friend's at the dinner with Melissa. She was older, but always so very sweet. Small world.

And that's that. Any guesses on the final two? I'm going with Jillian & Molly.

Oh and cannot wait to see DeAnna again. Boy she's one determined woman to fly all the way to New Zealand.


  1. Well, from reading your post I hope Jillian wins.
    But... I don't watch the show.
    It's a guess!
    Although I do remember "I am from the future".

  2. Oh, I am so with you. I totally like Melissa, but if Jason's not going to be able to meet her parents, it may just be a deal breaker for him.

    Naomi's home date was CRAZY! I'd be motified! LOL

  3. This is where it gets tough because every single season abc messes w/ us and only shows what they want us to see! If choosing by hometown dates i'd easily say Jillian hands down! I'm still gonna have to go with Jillian and Melissa in the end. And i agree that this season is flying by....CRAZY!!

  4. Yes, the whole dove thing was quite bizarre, I'm really wondering if that's why Naomi got the boot, hope not. It shall be interesting to see who he ends up with!!!

  5. Oh. My. Goodness.
    I would so need therapy if I were Naomi! Poor girl! I knew that would be a deal breaker for Jason.

    I agree with you. I think that the final two will be Molly and Jillian. I didn't care for Jillian that much but after seeing how fun her family is I warmed up to her!

  6. It is so hard because I really like all the of the remaining gals! Can't WAIT for next week. Love your recaps!

  7. I'm dying that Deanna is coming back. She's just gonna make that much more stressful for us all. I'm with you, I think Melissa will be the next to go leaving Molly and Jillian at the end. I like Melissa, but i think this week hurt her chances some. Oh, and, bye bye Naomi and her hot mess hair!!

  8. Love the recap!! I love Melissa and hope this week won't hurt her in the end but ya'll may be right about him not wanting to propose without meeting the in-laws. I hope its Melissa and Molly at the end. Can't wait to see what drama DeAnna will stir up!!

  9. I'm still thinking Melissa is going to be the one he picks. :)

  10. I am going with Jillian and Melissa as the final two. Something about his date with Molly last night did not seem right.

  11. Ah I just love Melissa sooo much!! I wish the producers would let her parents meet him without the cameras. I will be sad if she goes. My second choice is Jillian. I think they are a good fit.

  12. Oh goodness!!!!! Naomi's home date was crazy!!! I couldn't figure out what religion she was raised to be -- her parents seemed to believe in completely different things, one was totally into Christ, the other into reincarnation and hula hoops and everything. I mean, I know you can believe in both -- but I think she should have talked to Jason beforehand because I think he got bombarded!!

    I'm thinking Jillian and Melissa in the end and I wish they would let them meet Melissa's parents off camera!!

    You posted it before it was over again!!! Oh well -- I just didn't look!!

  13. This is the first time that I have posted anything on your blog. I read your blog all of the time. I have a pug named Maddie so that's what made me start reading your blog. I love this show! I want Melissa to win though. I have loved her from day one. If she does not win I want Jillian to. I love the way she talks as well.
