
Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy 2 Days After Valentine's Day

So, Happy {2-Days after Valentine's Day/President's Day} Day! That President's Day always messes with me because I can never seem to remember who is open and who is closed. So far I've found that my mailman may be the only one that celebrates today since my trash man and Fedex man do not.

But back to Valentine's Day...I hope you all had a good time sharing the day with friends and family that you love. We had a low key day, which to me there is no better way to celebrate. Boy caught up on his ESPN and I struggled to decide which sappy love movie I should watch. SO MANY CHOICES!! I do have to point out how humorous it was to me that the Lifetime Movie Network did not buy into this Valentine's Day love stuff and instead choose to air movies that show when love goes bad. How about some Valentine's Day cheer for the love pessimists with a movie called "Deceit"?

I settled on a Delta Burke award winner, which made me begin to question my ability to make good decisions.


Then my parent's sent us a goodie box for Valentine's Day and in it was this movie.

Sadly, we tried to see it in theater (but missed it) and then rent it over the last few weeks (always out) so we were thrilled to finally get to see it. It was wonderful...a perfect finish to a great Valentine's Day.


  1. What a great movie to watch for Valentine's Day... has such a good message!!! And who doesnt love Mike Seaver!!!

  2. Our church showed this movie and provided child care this is indeed a GREAT movie!! Glad to hear you enjoyed your day....i agree with you that low key is the way to go!!

    and i'm also with you on the whole who's open and who isn't...Colby had school so not even thinking i was being all productive and went to the post office and can guess how productive that was! ha!

  3. I added that movie to my netflix queue and there is a VERY LONG WAIT. So, I'm hoping to see it sometime in 2011. ;)

    P.S. I used to LOVE Designing Women!! Delta Burke rocks!! hehe

  4. Can't wait to see that movie! I also have it on my netflix:)

  5. I have been wanting to see that movie, I have heard great things about it! I will have to go rent it, thanks for sharing!!

  6. I am glad you had a great Valentines I really want to see fireproof I have heard great things about it!

  7. Glad you had a nice Valentine's Day. I want to see the movie Fireproof so bad, still haven't seen it. Hope you had a good Monday!!! :o)

  8. We have missed seeing "Fireproof", too, and I am wanting to see it!
    Glad you had a good V-Day!

  9. we havent seen the movie yet. am anxious to, tho!

  10. What movie is that? Why haven't I heard of it before?
